The Deathly Hallows

How it All Began and Ended with Harry

When Camille asked me to complete the Harry Potter series with her this past June I honestly was hesitant because of work and graduate school, but I FINISHED. I believe that reading this series taught me a great deal about myself because Harry allowed me to escape so much of the reality I deal with today as a teacher. J.K. Rowling created the perfect series because every character was very unique and different. The storyline was incredible: the boy who lived and was protected by the greatest wizards from the most dangerous wizard ever. I mean what a whirlwind, and I believe a few characters deserve some praise and discussion.

Severus Snape


His story was the most unique to me because you have someone that you are supposed to see as the enemy (next to Voldy), but he is in fact the hero in so many aspects. Dumbledore saw that Snape was the one person bravest enough to kill him and surrender fully to the Dark Lord because he knew deep down that Snape loved Harry because of his mom. That is something I truly did not expect. It takes a strong person to look the greatest person in the eye and tell him “yes, I will kill you.” All for Harry. Severus sent Harry and his friends the Doe patronus and that saved Harry, Ron, and Hermione. He tried to protect Harry from the Dark Lord in the first book when Snape knew something was up with Professor Quill. He wanted to help Draco because he knew what Draco was up to and knew Draco was not strong enough to be a part of the Death Eaters because that is not Draco’s fate. I have a whole lot of respect for Severus Snape because he did so much good when it looked like evil. Finally, Harry’s son is Albus Severus Potter—super sweet.

Draco Malfoy


            I choose that particular image for Draco because it represents Draco’s struggles perfectly. Reading the books, Draco is another example of someone that you are supposed to hate, but I found myself feeling sorry for him, especially in Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows because of the deeds he has to do to be accepted by his father. One moment in the Deathly Hallows that truly stood out to me was when he was supposed to tell Bellatrix whether they had found Harry (because his face was messed up my charm Hermione used to hide him). You are reading expecting Draco to say yes, but instead, he simply says, “I do not know.” To me, Draco saved Harry’s life because he knew perfectly well that was Harry. I wish there were books from Draco’s perspective because I really liked him as a character.

Neville Longbottom


I have so much respect for Neville because against all odds he protected Harry and Hogwarts. Neville is truly a representation of bravery. You have a student that was always seen as kind a “weirdo,” but he rose to the top. The one person, I believe, that Harry could depend on was Neville because Neville is loyal. When Harry is going to surrender himself to the Dark Lord, he finds Neville to tell him about Nagini and how important it is to be killed. Without hesitation, Neville is like “I got your back Harry.” I cannot believe he became a professor at Hogwarts. I freaking love Neville Longbottom.

Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley

hermione and ron.png

Since day one, these two stood by Harry’s side. You knew it was real when they were at Dumbledore’s funeral and Ron is like, “we are with you until the end.” I have so much respect for these two because they represent true friendship. Harry needed them even when he did not realize it. I could not imagine finding all of the Horcruxes alone. I was not the biggest fan of Ron toward the end of the books because I sensed a little bit of weakness, but I knew that was part of his character development and he had Harry and Hermione to pick him up. I was super pissed when he left them in the forest and questioned Hermione’s feelings for him when he knew damn well Hermione was in love with him. Hermione is 100% the best person in this book for so many reasons: a) She is dependable b) loyal c) intelligent d) funny e) knew Ron’s strengths in the beginning f) talked sense into Harry when he was about to make some huge mistakes like keeping the horcrux necklace on and letting Voldemort in his head. Hermione and Ron are the greatest (and it took 7 books for them to finally kiss).

Finally, Harry Potter


            Harry was indeed the Boy Who Lived. He was meant to live the entire time but in order to do that fully he needed to be killed by Voldemort. That is something he doesn’t realize until the end. He approaches Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest surrendering himself to die because that is what needed to happen in order to fully defeat Voldemort. What I truly loved, was when Voldemort killed him, he asked Dumbledore if he can go back to reality and if this “heaven-like” state he entered was real. Also, hello Dumbledore nice to see you happy and well. Instead of staying in that place with complete solitude, he decides to go back and kill Voldemort once and for all. Harry is a BADASS. He came from not understanding his circumstances but then realizing that the greatest enemy is after him and he will not let that stop him—DEATH did not kill him (ironic).


Thank you, J.K. Rowling, for creating a wonderful series filled with many adventures and lessons. Thank you, Harry, for being an ordinary kid entering a hectic life.

Peace OUT,


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